Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Saturday June 22nd, 2024 - 9:30PM
Location : Big Laugh Comedy Club Fort Worth Fort Worth, TX
Charleston White is a local comedian straight out of DFW. He is known for his unapologetic views, his social media antics, and his legendary-shit talking abilities.
Having started as as a community activist in Fort Worth, White went on to display his talent as a provocateur on social media, and has sice become viral online several times over.
He became a prolific interview guest on sites such as VladTV, Realyfe Productions, SAY CHEESE, The Danza Project and Funky Friday with Cam Newton.
Don’t hesitate getting your tickets now. You are guaranteed to have the best night out!
Get your tickets now!

Ticket Info
- Tickets are sold individually
- You can pick your tickets and the table you will be seated at
- Next to each ticket is a layout of the venue and where your tickets will be located
- This event is 18 and up, valid ID required
- There are no refunds
- No heckling or videos during the show, if you can't play nicely you will be asked to leave
- No backpacks or other large bags
- No animals allowed in venue
- There is absolutely NO VIDEO RECORDING whatsoever
- If you don't show up 20 MINUTES after the show time, you will forfeit your tickets
- Make sure to have fun and be respectful during the show
Grab your tickets before you are stuck wishing you had. Get them now!